I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written. Life has been very busy. We were all sick a few weeks ago and then I was getting ready for our family trip to visit my parents in Indianapolis. Packing for 6 people is not easy. Anyway, we got back this past weekend and had a wonderful time.
We decided to leave at midnight to drive to Indianapolis. The idea being that the kids would sleep most of the way and we would get there in the morning. All was good for the first 6 hours of the trip. The kids slept. Unfortunately they woke up at 5:30 and Scott proceeded to get car sick. The last 4 hours were very long.
We had a great week visiting my parents. My sister and her kids also live in Indianapolis so that made it extra fun. She has 3 kids, ages 11, 8, and almost 5. My kids and her kids got along great. Seth was so excited that his cousin Kael (8) loves legos just as much as he does, so they spent hours builiding lego creations and playing Wii. Taylor began to idolize her cousin Serae (11). She followed her around and did everything she did. It was really cute.
One of the highlights of the trip was being there as my best friend's little sister (who is like my little sister) got married. We got to go to the rehearsal dinner and then to the beautiful wedding. It was so refreshing seeing a young married couple. Their excitement was just wonderful! It made Josh and I reminisce about us when we were first married.
During the week we did several things. Monday and Wednesday we went to the Children's Museum. It's a good thing my parents have a membership. It is one of the highest if not the highest rated children's museum in the world. It is huge, with 5 floors packed with fun. The kids dig for dinosaur bones, visited Egypt, rode the carousel, saw several dinosaurs, went to the Dora and Diego exhibit, and many other fun activities. One of the highlights of the Children's Museum was seeing Bumblebee from the Transformers movie. I have to admit that even I was impressed.
Tuesday went rode the monorail. A monorail is a train-like car that runs on tracks pretty high above the road. My sister works at a hospital downtown and the monorail goes between 3 different hospitals, so it was a little strange riding between the hospitals but the kids loved it. They felt like they were on a real train. We also ate at McDonalds which was very exciting.
Wednesday night we celebrated my sister's birthday, my nephew's birthday, and Taylor's birthday. It was such a fun time.
Thursday Josh and my dad took the kids to the zoo while me, my mom, and my sister went shopping. The kids had a blast and Josh and my dad survived. It was so nice of Josh and my dad to take the kids so my mom, sister, and I could spend some time together.
Thursday night we left right at bedtime at 8:00. The kids slept the entire way home. However, Josh decided he could drive fast and got stopped 20 minutes into the trip. Fortunately, the policeman was very nice and took pity on us because we had such a long way to go.
We got home friday at 5:00 am. The kids went back to bed and slept until 9:00. We spent this weekend catching up and beginning to organize our house. We have too much stuff!!! I also planted my garden today. Hopefully it will grow.
Now I'm preparing for another week. I feel so refreshed and blessed. The vacation was just what we needed. I am so blessed. My husband, my kids, my parents, my siblings, my friends. Thank you Lord for all of your blessings. :)
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