I know I haven't been very good at posting lately. There has been a lot going on lately.
On May 7, Ethan turned 1! I can't believe how fast the year has gone. Josh's mom came for the weekend. We always enjoy having her here. The kids have a great time with Gram. Then on Saturday, Josh's sister and her family came for Ethan's birthday party. It was a farm theme. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins Jayna and Joycie. Ethan stuck his finger in his birthday cupcake but didn't eat it. Ethan is also beginning to walk. He does this funny little walk on his knees. I can't really describle it. I think he walks that way so he can hold something in both hands and still get around. Here's the link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRogrEgryb4&feature=player_detailpage
Mother's Day was nice. All four kids got dedicated at church. We had been between churches every other time there was a dedication or forgot to sign up. It was so special that all the kids got dedicated at the same time.
Recently, Seth has been diagnosed with sensory processing disorder (SPD, also called sensory integration dysfunction). For all of his life he has avoided certain things/activities that have to do with his senses. When he was a baby, when I changed his crib sheet (if it was a different sheet) he would touch it and cringe or jump and then cry because it was a different texture. When he was 2, I remember him not wanting to walk on grass or anything outside really. He's always been extra sensitive to noise. He hates loud noises, even noises that don't bother normal people. He's afraid of the vacuum. He's also a picky eater. He won't eat scrambled eggs, melted cheese, mashed potatoes, or anything with a real soft texture.
Here is a good short description of SPD: A. Jean Ayres, PhD likened SPD to "a neurological ‘traffic jam’ that prevents certain parts of the brain from receiving the information needed to interpret sensory information correctly." People with SPD have trouble functioning normally in social situations. Seth is usually awkward in social situations. He has trouble making friends. Playdates can only last an hour or two. Lately he has been having meltdowns. When he doesn't do something perfectly or something goes just a little bit wrong or I raise my voice he basically has a complete breakdown. I don't know how to handle it. I usually just have to leave him alone until he calms down.
SPD can be associated with Aspergers which is on the autism spectrum. We're not sure if he has Aspergers yet. The treatment for SPD is occupational therapy. Yesterday Seth had an evaluation with an occupational therapist. We should hear back in a few days what she thinks and how much therapy is needed. I will try to write another blog post just on SPD.
So that is a short update on what has been going on in our lives lately.
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